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  • In the power network, the circuit breaker is used to break the current-carrying circuit, and the breaking of its contacts does not mean that the circuit is actually disconnected. When using a circuit breaker to cut off the circuit, if the current in the circuit is greater than 80-100mA, and the movin...
  • High-voltage circuit breakers play two roles in the power grid: one is the control function, that is, according to the needs of the grid operation, some electrical equipment or lines are put into or out of operation (opening and closing the normal working current); When the equipment or power line fa...
  • The method for determining the rated parameters of low-voltage circuit breakers (automatic switches) is as follows: The rated voltage should not be lower than the line rated voltage. The rated current (including the rated current of the trip unit) should not be less than the calculated load current o...
  • Currently in the market for air switch products we can usually see a lot of that type are generally capitalized mother plus a digital representation, what does it mean? Household air switch models which to choose? From these we must first begin to understand letters and numbers. Currently on the mark...
  • It is a vacuum circuit breaker vacuum interrupter and as insulating medium. Parts are sealed within the housing made of an insulating material such as glass, the sealing of moving contacts and the movable contact is achieved by a metal bellows. The vacuum circuit breaker has the following characteris...